Season 1 PC League Playoffs


Hover over a match to view time information, you can also click on a match to go to the page for that match. Always trust the individual match pages as the final source of information, the brackets may ocasionally be drawn wrong



Prize Pool


General Rules

This league is recommended for a team of players with an average rank at or above 55.


The home team captain will host the lobby. He will have to add all of the players to the lobby via battletag. Ideally, all of the battle tags are available from the match page, but if not the away team captain should provide him with any battle tags he needs to fill the lobby.

Match types:

Each week we will play a best of three matches, one on each map selected.

Map pick/veto:

The away team captain is responsible for setting up the draft here. The away team captain will ban first and this will continue until only three maps remain. These will be the three maps used if it goes to three games. Home team will then ban one additional map and the remaining two maps will be played first.


Casters are allowed as long as both teams agree.

Rule set: Competitive

Map Options

Map rotation: After a game

Map order: Single map

Return to lobby: After a game

Hero Options

Hero Selection Limit: 1 per team

Role Selection Limit: None

Allow Hero Switching: On

Respawn as random hero: Off

Gameplay Options

High Bandwidth: On

Control Game Mode Format: Best of 5

Health Modifier: 100%

Damage Modifier: 100%

Healing Modifier: 100%

Ultimate Charge Rate Modifier: 100%

Respawn Time Modifier: 100%

Ability Cooldown Modifier: 100%

Disable Skins: Off

Disable Health Bars: Off

Disable Kill Cam: Off

Disable Kill Feed: Off

Headshots Only: Off

Team Options

Team Balancing: Off

When Balancing Occurs: After a mirror match


We assign every match a default time, you are of course welcome to reschedule at a better time for you and the other team, but both captains must confirm this on the match page on the site. For your scheduled matches, each captain must communicate with each other to ensure that both teams know the agreed upon play time. If a captain does not accept or communicate with the other team’s captain a forfeit will be given if evidence of the lack of communication are provided. Please check your match pages frequently for comments or changes! The team that is hosting the series is listed on the match page (Home Team).


We encourage you to contact the other captain ahead of time to ensure the time works and to coordinate on finding a caster or whatever else you might need for your games. However, should you be unable to communicate with the other team, contact admins. If you need to reschedule, communicate with the other team’s captain as soon as you can and take screenshots of the attempted communication. 


If all of your team’s players are not in the game 15 minutes after the scheduled time, you forfeit your series. Also, if you do not add or communicate with the enemy team’s captain, you forfeit your series. We want this to be a fun league and encourage you to scrimmage, but if you are claiming a forfeit win, you must do so BEFORE any games are played. If both captains agree to play late, you may no longer claim a forfeit win. Evidence of a no-show should always be captured (screen shot, etc) and submitted IMMEDIATELY to this email: We will use the time we receive the email as the final time the match was called. If you forfeit 2 consecutive series then your team will be removed from the league for the season.


This is a fun league. We take very seriously any bad manners, swearing, or any kind of derogatory comments. If we receive reports of this, we reserve the right to immediately remove you from the league and not allow you to play again.

We’ve empowered captains to report scores, it is your job to ensure your teams scores are accurate. Please report each match by editing the score on the match page after your game. If you have an issue you feel the admins need to get involved with, please collect evidence and email or contact us in Discord.

Stand ins

Stand ins are most definitely allowed. We want the games to be played! If you are having trouble filling your roster for a series, please contact us and we will be more than happy to help you fill your roster. 


Contact us at or on Discord and ask away!